Risk assessment


Erith and Belvedere FC's Risk Assessment table for Covid-19 is below.





























Statement of general policy

Responsibility  (Name / Title)

Action / Arrangements

To provide a safe and risk-free environment from Coronavirus (Covid 19) within the Stadium and access routes.


Ian Hart

Both to monitor and take appropriate action when required     

To provide adequate training to ensure all volunteers are made aware of what is required.


Brian Spurrell


To implement emergency procedures - evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident.  


Ian Hart    



Signed: Secretary



Brian Spurrell




Subject to review, monitoring and revision by:

 Brian Spurrell    



months or sooner if anything changes





Personnel / Required

Car Parking.

The Car Parks must be manned by the home club

All cars must be parked correctly and signs to show people entrances to the ground.  Car Parks should be cleaned of any waste items pre and post match.

Club to monitor car parks


Club to have the turnstile operated by trained volunteer

All Turnstiles to have a protected screen between the club person collecting entrance fee and the public. Club to clean all entrance area/turnstiles pre and  post-match

Notices of Ground, Health & Safety and Covid.19 Rules to be posted on the Turnstile entry point.

All Entrances and Exits.

Within the Stadium all Entrances and Exits must be clearly signposted with ARROWS for all walkways. All Exits/Entrances must have hand cleaners available.

Volunteer Staff to control Entrance and Exit points. Cleaning each area before and after a match

Cleaning each area before and after a match by volunteer Staff or specialist Cleaning Companies.


The Club must provide full signage in all areas of the grounds and stadium.

All Areas in the Stadium must provide full signage on Social Distancing, Ingress and Egress procedures.  Club fully responsible for all Health & Safety Matters.

All Club personnel to be fully briefed pre-match on procedures.

Toilet Facilities.

Strict entrance and exit signs must be visible. All toilets must have wash basins and hand sanitisers and hand dryers

Entrance and Exit from toilet areas must always be strictly controlled. Cleaning before, during and post-match must be adhered too

Volunteer staff to monitor Entrances and Exits on all multi use toilets

Changing Rooms.

Full signage in all Changing Rooms on Social Distancing plus ground rules on Health & Safety must be provided

Players can use both home and away Changing rooms but both home and away changing rooms to be limited to 8 players plus Manager, Coach and Physio. If required separate changing rooms will be made available on request.  We would prefer players not to use the showers: however, if they do, numbers must be limited to two persons only at any one time. The entire dressing room area should be kept clear of any persons not needed. 

Options Away players be allowed to use adjacent Dressing Rooms for pre and post-match changing into playing kit, the showers can be used but limited to two persons only at any one time. Social distancing must be used with no more than 8 players plus Manager, Coach and Physio in each dressing room.





Personnel / Required

Match Officials.

Match Officials will be provided with a safe area changing room.

A safe area for Match Officials to store belongings will be available. Club to clean any areas used by Match Officials pre and post-match. Clubs to pay Match Officials by BACS post-match.

Club to arrange this.

All Match Participants.

Drinks and Refreshments.

All Players and Match Officials must provide their own Drinks. Clubs to maintain a clean stadium clear of all waste items.

Any drinking vessels left at the ground must be cleared away and put in bins for recycling.


The Club Physio must be fully conversant with Health and Safety Covid.19 requirements as per FA guidelines.

Physio must wear appropriate mask and protective clothing on field. Physio and Club Covid.19 Representative to review all matches post-match.

Club to be responsible for players' and spectators' welfare and safety at matches.


All equipment used to stage a match must be cleaned.

Equipment must be cleaned pre, during and post- match.  Goal Posts, Nets and Corner Flags must all be cleaned pre and post-match.

Coaching, Physio and any volunteers must adhere strictly to cleaning all equipment. A Record of all Cleaning of Equipment to be maintained.

Technical Areas.

Social Distancing must be observed in Home and Away Technical Areas. Signage in both areas regarding rules.

To achieve correct Social Distancing each Technical Area must provide seating for 8 people.  Pre and post-match cleaning required of both Technical Areas.

The Technical Areas can only be used by a Manager, Coach and/or Assistant Manager, Physio and 5 Substitutes in total 8 people.

Match Balls.

All Match Balls available must be fully disinfected pre during and post-match.

During the match any Match Balls used are to be disinfected if they go out of play and replaced by another ball. Pre and post-match all footballs used are to be cleaned.

Technical Area staff to clean all match balls used during play and any used for warm up/training.

Spectator Facilities.

All Seating Areas in the stadium must comply with social distancing rules.

Every other seat must be clearly marked as Not to be used. All Seats must be cleaned pre and post-match. Match Observers to be seated in accordance with Social Distancing.

A volunteer must be stationed in the seating area to ensure Social Distancing is fully observed during the match.





Personnel Required

Standing Areas.

Spectators from different bubbles(families) must observe Social Distancing.

All perimeter rails must be cleaned pre match. All perimeter rails to be cleaned post- match.

Where possible Volunteers to be used. All areas must be cleaned pre and post-match.


Press and Media attending matches.

Press and Media attending matches must bring their own drinks/refreshments to the match. All Press Areas to be cleaned per and post-match.

All post-match interviews must be held in a sterile area with full social distancing rules applied.

Match Programmes.

Match Day Programmes.

A Match Day Programme will be displayed and available on our web-site.

Club to action pre match.

Post - Match.

All Clubs must appoint a Covid.19 Representative.

Club must clearly display Covid.19 information. Covid.19 person to check all pre match matters. Covid.19 Officer to hold a Safety meeting pre match and post-match review

Club Covid.19 Representative to be on site and his/her name on all signage as the Club Representative.

Main Clubhouse.

Entrance and Exit must meet Covid.19 guidelines.

All those entering the main club house must register their names and addresses when entering the area.

Erith and Belvedere Sports & Social Club to monitor.

Risk Assessment.

Erith and Belvedere Football Club will supply full details of its Risk Assessment.

Erith and Belvedere Football Club will post its Full Risk Assessment on its official website and provide a copy to all required leagues.

Club Officers to be responsible for the public display of its Risk Assessment.  Ian Hart is the nominated Covid.19 Officer for the club.


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